Copying files with SCP
Whenever you want to upload some files to your server and do it securely, use SCP
(which stands for “secure copy protocol”). The transfer is done on top of SSH
, which ensures secure connection.
Upload a file
scp file.txt user@host:/remote/destination/folder
Upload directories
scp -r /local/source user@host:/remote/destination
Download a file
scp user@host:/file/to/download.txt /local/destination
Download an entire directory
scp -r user@host:/remote/source /local/destination
Additional options you may need
-P port-number -i path-to-private-key
In case of getting Permission denied
error, ascertained above data is correct, you may be trying to save file to folder which belongs to different user. Make sure given user has rights to write files in destination folder.